Dojo Kun
“Training Hall Rules”
1. Strive for a good moral character. (Jinkaku Kansei Ni Tsutomeru Koto)
2. Keep an honest and sincere way. (Makoto No Michi Wo Mamoru Koto)
3. Cultivate perseverance or a will for striving. (Doryoku No Seishin Wo Yashinau Koto)
4. Develop a respectful attitude. (Reigi Wo Omonzuru Koto)
5. Restrain my physical abilities through spiritual attainment. (Kekki No Yu Wo Imashimeru Koto)
Through the Dojo Kun we emphasize that karate is more than just physical training.
It is through the realization and development of each person as a whole, in mind and body,
that we become true Karateka and followers of the Bushi way.